Teachers, if have found time to read the introduction to this page, I am impressed! Finding time is the greatest skill of all.

Below, I have shared some the greatest resources from around the internet from many amazing mathematicians, and even a few more of my own resources. Hope you find these useful and it even saves you a little bit of your precious time.

Brie-Anna de Mouse, star of Maths with a Mouse

If you have been using my super-duper whizzy website, you will probably have realised just how much I love Transum. 

5-star features:

self-marking quizzes - instant feedback for pupils. In fact, it really encourages them to independently aim to understand their own errors!

fun games with progressive levels of challenge - you know how I feel about fun and the progressive element means pupils can build upon their learning and work at the level best suited to them - the sweet spot or as I like to call it - the marshmallow spot!

easy to locate activities - so much faster than endlessing searching online!

So basically, I love Transum!

For as long as I can remember, amathsdictionaryforkids.com has been my go-to for mathematical definitions and related diagrams. 

Jenny Eather, you are my Yoda and I thank you for your wonderful resource, which you made freely available online! 

Want to engage a group of learners at the same time in a highly competitive manner yet giving everyone the chance to win regardless of their speed? Sounds impossible yet with Blooket, the impossible becomes possible! 

Fish 'n' Chips; Bangers 'n' mash; Brie-Anna de Mouse and Maths - some things are meant to go together! Numbots and Times Tables Rock Stars are both equally deserving of making it onto any list of resources for mathematicians. Although they require school subscription, they are reasonably priced and are worth ever penny! 

Mental maths skills. Sorted!

Everybody hurts sometime!


Everybody forgets too!

If you are familiar with Ebbinghauss' curve of forgetting, you will understand that learning is forgotten. If you aren't familiar, the following link explains the theory.


To help pupils, Corbett Maths Primary 5-a-Day, is a useful resource as it gives opportunity to review prior learning more regularly. As it has four different levels of challenge, it can be used with a wide range of developing mathematicians. 

Corbett Maths, I thank you for your great free resource!

Nrich has a wealth of activities, challenges and games, which are brilliant at extending mathematical thinking. 

Sometimes, pupils race through the learning and utterly smash it! So, to avoid that tricky moment when you are not ready to extend them further to develop their mastery, despite your brilliant planning, I suggest that teachers are always 'N-Rich Ready'. 

When I discovered that I had not yet included mathsbot.com on this list of Top Tools for Teachers, I was so much in shock that I allowed my brother to eat my marshmallows! How did I manage to leave it off the list. Needless to say, it is here to stay and is one of the best sites available to any maths teacher with almost everything a good maths teacher needs; however, one thing they don't have is an adorable little mouse like me!

I have always been a fan of using Natural Curriculum for inspiring children and helping them to learn GPS. The only thing that could make it even better would be if it had a section relating to maths, and if that had been created in conjunction with N-Rich. Well, guess what… that is exactly what has happened.  I’m so excited. Enjoy!

Not found quite what you are looking for? Running out of time to find the perfect game or activity. Top Marks to the rescue.

Unless you have been hiding in a mouse-hole for the past few years or living in beyond the United Kingdom, you will know all about White Rose Maths. What you might not know about it their great digital tools - perfect for modelling ideas and developing understanding in the classroom (live and virtual)!

I first discovered Mathigon when a friend told me about Factris (see Game Time!). I soon discovered lots of other great features including a great section all about the Applications of Maths in our world, and even a fascinating activity entitiled Alice in Fractalland.

We all next expert advice from time-to-time: even a genius like me needs help and who better than the National Centre of Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (I'm glad they are known as NCETM).

If you are a maths lead in a school, this website will be an invaluable tool in keeping your CPD sharply in focus and knowing all the best research and ideas in the world of maths. 

I dream that one day, I will be featured on NCETM! Dream big, Brie-Anna! Dream big!

In the eyes of this little blue mouse, Mr Barton is an absolute legend! His site is a treasure trove of mathematical gems. Discover the joys of rich tasks, the power of Venn diagrams and even the intense and highly addictive 'The Pirate Game'! 

All great teachers love visual tools to help model mathematical ideas. Great news, mathlearningcenter.org has a whole host of wonderful apps just for this! Even better for many people, they also have web versions too. 

One of my favourite tools is the number line application, especially the fractions!

Being able to visualise mathematical ideas is so important. Thanks to geogebra.org this is now even easier to do and share with your mousematicians.